The corn harvest is expected to exceed 95 million tons due to the rains that occurred in the last months in the regions producing the second harvest of the grain, mainly in the Midwest. This is what the 8th Grain Harvest Survey 2018/2019 points out, released this Thursday (9), by the National Supply Company (Conab).

The good result of corn boosted grain production in Brazil, which can reach 236.7 million tons, just 900 thousand tons below the harvest record registered in 2016/2017. The planted area is estimated at 62.82 thousand hectares, with an increase of 1.1 million hectares compared to the previous period.

“In addition to the favorable climate, throughout the crop cycle, the producer was also able to take full advantage of the ideal window of cultivation, since there was an anticipation of the soybean harvest”, explains the director of Agricultural Policy and Information at Conab, Guilherme Bastos. “With the performance, the tendency is for the stocks to increase, which should put pressure on the prices of the product in the market and may even be below the minimum value determined by the government as of the entry of the second harvest in the market.”

According to the survey, soy is still the main choice of producers, with a harvest forecast at 114.3 million tons. “Cotton has also been shown to be a good option for farmers. With world consumption higher than the offer, the area of ​​culture should grow by 35.4%, registering a production of 2.7 million tons of plume ”, informs Bastos. “It is worth remembering that, in the last 10 months, the export of culture by the country reached a record level of 998 thousand tons shipped”.

Winter Crops – The planting of these products is expected to intensify starting in May and ending in June. Wheat, the main cultivated grain, will register an area of ​​approximately 2 million hectares, which represents a reduction of 68 thousand hectares in relation to the previous harvest. This reduction is a reflection of the results obtained in the past cycle, when the harvested cereal did not present satisfactory quality, discouraging producers from planting the crop. – Agrolink font

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